Our Company
We are a family owned and operated business.
With more than 35 years' experience and know-how in the area of ​​automobile transformation, António José Cunha Salgueiro decided in 2006 to create ASTAL- António Salgueiro Transformações Auto, Lda., Dedicated to the development and transformation of funeral vehicles . In 2010, it accepted other challenges and started developing solutions in other aspects of the transformation of special vehicles, namely:
- Passenger transportation;
- Street food vehicles;
- Vehicles dedicated to specific business areas;
- among others.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The rigor, innovation and quality were fundamental to consolidate its strategy and growth.
We are a family owned and operated business.
His honor and loyalty coupled with his professionalism has sustained his business and will continue to be part of our position in the market.
To be a national and international reference in the area of ​​automotive transformation, recognized for its quality and innovation in the development of solutions.
Achieve the best solutions, transport and equipment, which are dedicated, innovative and functional. Adequate to the success of professionals working in the area of ​​providing services in the most diverse areas.
Promote the motivation and participation of all employees, encouraging initiative, teamwork, professional training and high technical and human competence.
We affirm our values ​​of integrity, seriousness, leadership, competence, perseverance, teamwork, respect for employees, commitment to the customer and in supporting the Community.


Passengers Transport